Monday, May 17, 2010

Choosing Chickens

Although it will be quite some time before I will be able to build a chicken coop, I have spent my free time researching which chickens I would like to have.  These are the front runners:

If anyone has had experience raising any of these birds, would you leave a comment about them.  I want to make an informed decision, and your feedback would help.

I just found a coop that might work well and is inexpensive.  Check it out.


Unknown said...

Hi Cindy! I have had Plymouth Barred Rocks, Cochins, and now a R.I.Red. I love my flock, and my favorite is my Red hen. My friend raises Ameraucanas, though, and she swears they have the most excellent temperments. Good luck with your endeavors! You need some goats, for sure :) (Our "coop" is a recycled dog kennel with metal panel roof. It keeps the critters out and the hens in.)


Plant City Homestead said...

Wendy, you are so smart. Why didn't I think of a dog kennel? I will have to watch Craig's List.

Mary said...

We've had Buff Orpingtons (and Reds), they are both very good layers. Of the two, I like the Orpingtons best. I know someone who had a mean Ameraucana rooster, but I guess that doesn't mean all are mean, and nothing compares to Napoleon, the mean Bantam! ;)

Plant City Homestead said...

Who would have thought such a cute little bird could be so aggressive? Napoleon is definitely a bad bantam.

Unknown said...

My Bantam rooster was named "Sterling Silver" and he would flog me every time I entered his domain. He was a tiny little guy and could not have hurt me, so we agreed to disagree.One night a raccoon got into the hen house and broke his little leg. I am sure he was valiantly trying to protect his hens. When I got in the hen house, he limped over and stood right by my feet. I cried my eyes out for him....

Trase said...

We had White Plymouth Rocks that were very ill-tempered birds - I would not recommend them personally, but that may have simply been our particular birds. I have heard that the Barred Rocks are very nice. On your list, we have Buff Orps, and Easter Eggers, and we really like them both. The Jersey Giants are of interest to us, but we haven't gotten any yet (we also have ISA Browns, Black Stars, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Gold Stars, a couple of mixed Reds, and a bunch of Bantams - about 120 birds in total) The only ones laying are our six oldest birds (Buff Orp, ISA Brown, Easter Eggers) and they are very nice. The ISA's are supposed to be prolific - about 300 eggs per year. They have a nice temperament, too!

And the dog kennel is a good way to go - we've seen that plenty. We were fortunate in that there were outbuildings on our property when we bought it; otherwise we might have opted for a kennel to start, too!

Good luck and enjoy the birds! Look forward to seeing what you get!

Plant City Homestead said...

I had not heard anything about ISA Browns. I did some reading after your comment, and if I decide to sell eggs, they look like a good choice.