Tuesday, November 23, 2010

God Had Other Plans

Nearly six months ago I posted that I was getting ready to move.  I had great plans for gardening, canning and poultry, but God had other plans.  The only chick I have seen is this cute washcloth chick from the hospital, and most of my stuff is still at the other house.

My father has been in the hospital so many times that I have lost count, and I have nearly lost him twice.  His trust did not pay the nursing home bill, so Dad was kicked out of his nursing home.  It took three moves before he was in a decent nursing home again, but it is an hour drive every time I visit him.

My friends who were going to help me move have backed out, and I spent all my moving money on my father when the trust was not paying the bills.

I admit at times I have been completely overwhelmed, but God has given me a refuge in this house.  I feel completely at peace when I am here.  This is where I belong.  I still don't know how it is going to happen, but I have confidence that God will provide a way.


Crystal said...

I am so sorry to hear about your father. We will keep him in our thoughts.

Chai Chai said...

Keep the Faith, it provides strength in times of need.

Jen (emsun.org) said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your father. I hope the washcloth chick at least cheers you up a little.

Plant City Homestead said...

My father is doing much better now. I hope he will make it through Christmas. God appears to be working things out. I will update as I know more.