Friday, April 22, 2011

You Dirty Duck

The Duck Brooder
I have a love/hate relationship with my ducks.  They are my favorite of all the poultry, but they are time consuming.  Their brooder bin has to be cleaned several times a day because they are a total mess.  They like their water way too much.  I have a 1 gallon water container for them, but it has to be filled twice a day, because more goes on the floor than in their bills.

I received several tips from the Poultry Club on facebook that have helped, so I thought I would share. 
  • Keep the water elevated off the floor of the brooder box.  In this case, I have the container hanging from a curtain rod on a snap ring to make it easy to remove.
  • Put a slotted plant tray on the bottom of the brooder so that the ducks are elevated above the water.
  • Put a puppy training pad over the plant tray.
  • Top with pine shavings to absorb the excess water.
Hope these tips help others like they have helped me..


tom | tall clover farm said...

The first I got chicks and placed them in a wading pool in my back porch home office. Uh, what was I thinking, my keyboard has never been the same. Good luck with the ducks!

Plant City Homestead said...

Thanks Tom. Bet you haven't put chicks in the home office again. Sounds like you spoil your animals too. :-)